Student Membership of the IEEE is very cheap and provides numerous benefits! For more details see our Membership page.
Student Branches
- Brugge: KU Leuven Campus Brugge
- Delft: Technische Universiteit Delft
- Power Electronics and Industry Applications Joint Societies SB Chapter
- Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Enschede: Universiteit Twente
- Antwerpen: University College of Antwerp Currently inactive: contact one of the student activities officers if you want to restart this branch
- Gent: Universiteit Gent
- Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Liège: Université de Liège
- Louvain la Neuve: UCLouvain
Student Branch Support
The rules for the allocation of financial support by the Section to Student Branch Activities can be found here.
Student Activities Officers
Important links
- Region 8 Student Activities Committee
- Region 8 Student Branches
- Student Branch FAQs
- Student Branch Forms
- For information on establishing an IEEE Student Branch, including guidelines and a petition form.
- For information on establishing an IEEE Student Branch Chapter of technical Societies.
- For information on establishing an IEEE Student Branch Affinity Group of Women in Engineering (WIE)s.
- For reporting forms required annually from Student Branches: the Annual Plan Form, the Annual Report Form, the branch officer reporting forms.
- For all these topics On-line information and reporting is available on the Student Concourse pages of IEEE.
IEEE Young Professionals Program (formerly GOLD)
If you are an IEEE member who graduated with your first professional degree within the last ten years, you are automatically part of IEEE Young Professionals!