- Aerospace and Electronic Systems / Geoscience and Remote Sensing (AES/GRS):
- Antennas and Propagation/Microwave Theory and Techniques (AP/MTT):
- Circuits and Systems (CAS):
- Communications/Vehicular Technology (COM/VT):
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC):
- Council on electronic design automation (CEDA) chapter on embedded systems:
- Electronics Packaging (EP):
- Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMB):
- Power Electronics/Industry Applications/Power & Engineering (PELS/IAS/PES):
- Information Theory (IT):
- Instrumentation and measurement (IM):
- Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG):
- Nuclear & Plasma Sciences (NPS):
- Photonics (LEO):
- Robotics and automation (RA):
- Signal Processing (SP):
- Solid-State Circuits (SSC):
- Technology Management (TM):
- Women in Engineering (WIE):
- Young Professionals (YP):
Inactive chapters
- Computer (C)
- Computational Intelligence (CI)
- Electron Devices (ED)
Chapter Support
The rules for the allocation of financial support by the Section to Chapter Activities can be found here.
IEEE Society Chapters
Society Chapters are your local link to the valuable resources available from the IEEE and the 39 IEEE Technical Societies.
IEEE Society Chapters - the local branch of your Society.
- A Chapter is the technical subunit of one or more IEEE Sections.
- Society Chapters consist of Members from one or more IEEE Societies who share technical interests and geographical proximity.
- Chapter activities may include guest speakers, workshops and seminars as well as social functions.
- Chapters provide Society members with valuable opportunities to network at a local level enabling their personal and professional growth.
The complete list of IEEE Societies can be found on the Societies home page.
Support for Chapter Chairs
Information on support for Chapter Chairs can be found on the IEEE Section Chapter Support home page.
Online L-31 Form
If you have not yet used the online L-31 form, you should start now! File your meeting reports online in only minutes using the new system. Visit: http://www.ieee.org/L31.
Note that the L-31 system now uses the vtools mechanism, which can also be used to schedule events. When scheduling events in advance, the event is automatically spread to the relavant IEEE webpages (note, not yet the section webpage) and it allows also registrations and much more. Additionally, it allows you to create a meeting report after the meeting in just a few clicks. For the meeting tools: VTOOLS Meetings.
Categories of meetings
Meetings of the Section/Chapter/Affinity Group Executive Committee to discuss Unit administrative matters. (for example - elections, Section functions, activity planning, etc.)
Meetings of a technical nature specific to the needs of the Unit, or of interest to the members; educational meetings usually fall under the technical category. Society Chapters must hold and report a minimum of two technical meetings annually in order to qualify for the rebate.
Generally meetings of a professional nature. For example, a speaker discussing the current job market, preparation of resumes, etc. This category can also include such things as awards dinners or social events.
Access your Membership Data online at SAMIEEE
Chapter Chairs can now access membership data online - instantly. For more information visit: SAMIEEE